Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Principal Johndrow's Message

Happy Spring! Happy Memorial Day!

Spring is a busy time of year for students both in school and out of school. I ask all of you to keep school as the primary focus in your children’s lives. Homework still needs to be completed and bedtimes and routines, now more than ever, need to be maintained. There is still a lot of active learning occurring in our classrooms.

Some students are beginning to look forward to moving into a new grade next year; while for others just thinking about the change can be stressful. Listen to what your child is saying and give them an outlet to talk about how they feel. For some the classroom and the teacher are sources of comfort and any change may be hard to contemplate.

New for summer!

This summer we will be rolling out the first ever Math and Language Arts Summer Packets. These materials were created by teachers over the course of the year and will allow students through a minimum of review and practice to maintain their current academic level. Students will bring the packets home on the last day of school and will be required to return them completed on their return to school in the fall. The work in the Math Packets is CMT practice and review of basic math skills. The language arts packets have suggested readings with assignments practicing basic skills.. All of the materials in the packets have been assessed in terms of amount of time to complete.

The Summer Packets are one way in which we support the Ashford Board of Education’s Goals which is “promoting instructional practices rooted in individual skills, talents needs and performance”. Your support in encouraging your children to complete the packets is very important.