By: Amy Porri
Our Junior High Chorus will be participating in the annual "Fly Up" Choral Festival held at EO Smith HS on Wed. March 24th. The festival provides the District 19 middle school students an opportunity to become acquainted with the high school choral program and director. The festival runs from approximately 9:30am-1: 30pm, during which the entire high school chorus combines with choral groups from Mansfield, Willington and Ashford. We rehearse a song with the choral director from each school. After lunch, each chorus performs a mini concert for the group. The finale of the day combines all 400 singers to "perform" the four festival songs.
This Festival has been going on under the leadership of Ms. Cathy Rowe for the last ten years. It provides our students with a great day of singing, listening and performing great choral music; which we hope will inspire them to continue their musical involvement when they reach the high school level.