Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thank You From the Ashford Easter Bunny

Ashford School, you can be extremely proud of the seventh and eighth grade students that volunteered to help with the 40th Annual Ashford Easter Egg Hunt! The students volunteering were hard-working, good listeners, and a complete joy. The very best part was the way the different generations -- from tiny tots to eighty year olds -- worked together to make this year’s hunt a success. A new respect for each generation was established by all. We could not have completed all that needed to be done as quickly, competently, and efficiently without the generous help of the seventh and eighth grade students.

The following students are to be commended for their help:
Colin B., Tyler H., Gavin M., Michelle R., Jennie R., Sarah B., MariElle P., Erick B., Justin G., Brandon B., Kelly P., Chris P., and Kaitlyn L.

Thank you.